Monday 31 December 2012


akemashte - Happy new Year all. We arrived last night - the plane was fairly boring - although bothlittle  boys got a bit air sick as we were landing. Paddy invented a game that you had to name all Liverpool players (so they would concentrate and apparently it was a miracle cure). We did the Takybin for the ski bags so they have disappeared hopefully to sapporo and picked up our phones and  got to the hotel in Asakusa about 9.30 I think. The little guys had a sleep on the train on the way in - and we caught cabs from Ueno - and arrived to a very bussling area full of people wandering around to the temple for New Years Eve.
Best photo was possibly a standard poodle in a kimono in a pram? Hopefully Rob managed to get the picture.
We ate at  a little street stall.Took some photos - had  a wander, saw in the new year (on Australian time) and got to ed.
Today is a new day and a new year ....and we are off to explore

Sunday 30 December 2012