Wednesday, 2 January 2013

Christmas money is a dangerous thing

Another fun day in Tokyo. I wore my pedometer and I am amazed that we only walked 8.7km - felt much longer. The early morning light in the temple was gorgeous.

the Kids went out again for a wander around the area and yes - some of the Christmas money got spent. A colour theme thing is definetly going on!

We headed off to yoyogi park, the Meiji shrine, Harajulu, the baseball stadium (which was closed) and Shinjuku to a  huge camera shop. At Takeshita Dori - Liv, Lu and I had a bit of fun in the photo booth

Lunch was pretty random - we went into a cafe for a coffee and i ended up eating waffles with maple syrup with a side serve of potato salad.  I know - what was I thinking?
and for those who saw Liv's sock monkeys - check this out:
 ...and then check out Liv

Rob got as close to a dog as we have seen:
and we decided not to eat at a restaurant where dogs were as welcome as this:it really is hilarious how they all have little kimonos. Not sure what this pooch was eating ....


  1. Tilly would like a blue kimono please!

  2. Great photos Meg - looks like fun. Have you done any of the following:
    Played Pachinko (is that what it is called?)
    Met someone from the Yakusa?
    What is the best vending machine mercahdise you have found?
