Friday 27 December 2013


Niseko can be a range of weather in one day, one hour, etc

So Niseko 360 said there was 17.5cms of snow overnight - sounded and felt like more than that - first big blizzard apparently. But this morning it was very sunny - and check out swinging monkey - i had to ski down - not sure my carve turns were as perfect as these ...

we then headed down to hanazono and Luke and Paddy did strawberry fields - again. I did a bit of everything and then had to scoot back on holiday to get Tom from the Welcome centre

Heading down Holiday

Waiting at the Welcome Centre i had a very good coffee and spotted this tree ...... 

By the time Tom and i dumped his bag at the apartment, got skis, found the others on the mountain etc - I was hungry - and in memory of Charlie and Jeremy I had a curry bun and it was FANTASTIC. got it from the Hana 1 van - delicious ....

and then to show how the weather can change - we headed in as the weather came in and you can see how much it snowed ...

as a PS - what is the below ordered by Paddy at Raku? (scene of 8 people sitting around a 1 person table last year)

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