Sunday 29 December 2013

Guest blogger: young grasshopper ....

Friday night was the first night skiing experience of the trip.  We meet up with Cam after 6 hours of lessons and enjoyed a two hour night skiing session which existed of numerous races.  As we were alone on the beautiful mountain we carved up the remainder of the as what Cam would call the "pow" that fell that day

A fresh 28 cm of snow was waiting for us today as we rose out of your beds early.  Due to windy conditions and slightly heavy snowfall some of the mountain wasn't open early on.  Swinging monkey only opened at 10 AM and there existed a massive queue even by perisher standards.  Hanazono was our destination.  We set of to find powder and found it at Strawberry Gate, The legend of Shinja and Crystal Garden.  The line through the trees was where the most powder and fun was found smashing through waist deep powder often. Tom had two particular stacks at Strawberry Gate with his face covered in powder when he fell over.
swinging "monky" as it reads on the sign ...

After our days skiing we went of to the truck markets were Paddy bought speakers with water jets and だるまおとし.  Then we had a excellent meal filled with exotic and sublime Japanese food.(editor: unnecessary crawling - not v exotic at all)

Yours Truly
The Guest Blogger

Editor: we are about to watch Star Wars 6 - for those who know my story of my 50th in Shanghai - you will know i am partial to the star wars theme - esp if used as a substitute for happy birthday ...
lucy and Liv - i also had an onsen at the Alpen - my preferred onsen though is the Prince ...


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