Tuesday 31 December 2013

what a day .....

day started really well - i had to wake the boys extra early. In fact I only needed to wake Tom as Paddy was on the excited side and was up as soon as I was. All due to the fact that Tom and Paddy had a 2 hour powder lesson with Katsu from NAC - who was way cool.


that is the link to what the boys skied today - 24 lifts, 6880vertical metres or vm as we call it and 34 kms - being 412 minutes of fun!

they started on the powder run off the gondola - where you hike up and go through the powder all the way to holiday. They also did some way cool powder off swinging monkey and generally had a great day. the wind was low and the snow kept falling and it just got better and better out there ....

I on the other hand had a day off from skiing - but not from the snow. I went snow shoeing on a photo tour with Yusa and an Aussie fellow called Darren as guides, and a lovely couple from thailand. After getting the boys out of the apartment - I had a coffee, mucked around, managed to get some cash (this was credit card no 6 to make work!) then had a very nice hot chocolate in Odin - Lucy will remember we had afternoon tea and then hot wine there I recall. Yum.

W snow shoe'd around Half Moon lake at the base of Mt Yotei - and I think the photos will speak for themselves. It was fun - a bit of hard work but worth it.

Cool - hey?

yoi o toshi o (HAPPY NEW YEAR)

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