Tuesday 24 December 2013

Christmas in Niseko

Started with pannetone, cereal, toast and hitting the slopes!! Paddy got to open a gift at Breakfast - and is very pleased with a new GShock watch

Yesterday there was 35cm of snow and another 7 this morning -  and more throughout the day. Still a  little bit of sun at times and the sky now is blue in patches.

Paddy in the gondola. The 50th gondola is still gold inside. We missed it yesterday by one gondola. Seemed rude to push a family over to get in first

Charlie and Jem - the guy at Hana cafe 1 must be missing you - he had heaps of pork buns. Didn't have his dog there this year - too many people fed it and she got sick last year he told me. Abbey couldn't be a snow dog either - as she would just raid everyone's pockets, Christmas trees etc looking for food .....

Paddy skiing in the trees. 
About to head down to NAC to meet up with Cam  - not sure about dinner. I might be cooking ....

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