Sunday 5 January 2014


Epic. Awesome. Go the Pow. Wow
What a day. You always want your last day to be epic. You don't want to leave feeling like you missed something awesome - well we didn't.

We were at the gondola by 8 - and for those that know the gondola terminal station - you unload and walk out to a staircase of about 15 steel stairs. It can be not pretty for newbies - as you try and manage walking in ski boots down snowy stairs carrying skis, pole s etc. We have witnessed face plants. But no more - for today there are no stairs. It has been filled in with snow and you unload and walk off a rubber mat and ski away. That is how much snow there has been. Epic.

But first - yesterday afternoon. The boys - paddy and Tom and Cam, Alex and Ludo all had a ski and then the ski instructors went and had a shower and then turned up here for a beer - and we then went to dinner at Bang 2.  As foreshadowed it was fun.

The boys ordered a large beer - that turned out to be quite large. Paddy had a guava juice, Alex was driving and had a mango juice and I had a small beer.






Deer and chicken wings 

 The chef

So we ordered the usual selection of yakitori - chicken, pork, some tofu, some corn, some deer - and then the boys went a bit wilder - Chicken hearts; chicken skin etc. It was a fun night. I think we got a bit louder. There was then a trip to Seicomart for icecreams and then we played bananagrams; cheat; checkers; chess and watch ridiculous ski videos which seems to be what young ski instructors do in their spare time ...

Paddy doing a jump and being dissected on the laptop

Hanging out ...

Alex working on a move in chess - it was very serious

But back to today - words cant really describe how good the skiing was. Skiing where you cant see your skis. Where the snow is around your thighs as you push through trees  - I will load the youtube footage ... until then here are some snaps from around the village 

Yep - these are cars 

and we had dinner at NAC - where there is a full on climbing wall in the restaurant 

All in all fabulous

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