Friday 3 January 2014

Today is awesome Lessie day

Go Lessie - you are amazing and we are delighted and proud of your huge achievement!

But back to today - so woke up and in the last 24 hours 20cm of snow, added to 16 yesterday, 17 the day before etc etc etc. So that is a lot of snow. But the big news was that today was SUNNY and I had an 8.20am lesson with Ludo aka ludicrous, not really. It was a joyous thing as we were on probably the 3rd gondola out of the station and we started with Miharashi and then the black powder gate; up the 4, onto the hooded and the queue

for the pizza box was ridiculous because everyone decided to hike to the peak ....  so Ludo and i did the best run in Hirafu - which is a huge powder field off the side of Hano 3 which you get to through some trees and i wish i had the gopro as it was hysterical. We had such a good run that i think Ludo forgot he was teaching and just took off with some whooping - but was able to see me come down - so all good. We had 2 hours of splendid powder - did some great runs.  I had fun. i bought myself a very nice cafe latte and a piece of lemon cake to celebrate.

This is the dessert of choice - Paddy and Tom went down to Seico mart last night and bought these - wafer icecreams with chocolate in the middle.

and this would be Paddy with an ice monobrow ....

Ok - so these are like the white witch trees from Narnia at the top  of the mountain

No-one around - as they were all queuing to get onto the pizza box chair 

looking down to hano

Paddy and Tom racing to lunch up hill - because they wanted - pizza and pork cutlet in curry ....and not the "tower of beer" which costs about $50 and I don't know how many litres it has in it (someone had it at a table near ours - goodness knows how their skiing was after that)

and yep they have morning tea and then back up for dinner ....and icecream 

tower of beer ....

From Hano - looking at the main mountain - which everyone was hiking up to ski

waiting for the go pro to unload some footage - will upload that separately
Tonight we have Ludo, Alex, Cam and Tom and paddy going to dinner to Bang 2 - the sister restaurant to bang Bang. Should be fun. They have gone home to have  a shower - so I should be pleased that they won't smell. Amazingly by this afternoon the weather had come in - and you guessed it - it is snowing again ..view at 4pm out the window (that isn't a UFO - just the reflection of the very groovy kitchen light)

till i get the go pro footage .....

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