Thursday 2 January 2014

what day is it? ... powder lesson day

Currently sitting in the apartment with Cam, Paddy and Tom after an epic snow day. We woke to another mere 17cm according to Niseko 360. And i had a lesson at 8.20am with Ludo aka Ludicrous. The boys were worried. Actually they weren't. Nothing worries them. But as you know Cam shares a room with Ludo and Alex - and so far both Alex and Cam have had a lesson that has ended up at the hospital ...... so the boys thought it would be funny if I was Ludo' first victim. But i wasn't. We got out there early and it was a cracker - clear , blue sky (it was supposed to be a blizzard - but at 8.20 it was extremely cool and fabulous. We skied all over the place. I skied well on the groomed and had a shocker in some off piste - oh well that happens - that is why I was having a lesson. Ludo is a delight and loves a chat - and a chat. We saw Tom and Paddy who were carving up some runs off the Ace pair (unloads at the 1000m hut).

It was fun. At the end of my lesson Ludo skied off to his next apptmt and I went for a coffee - and a Curry donut. Can I tell you that curry donuts are fabulous? so much s that when Tom and Paddy came in to join me - I bought them one each - and they thought they were cool. The wrapper says: we want to make a smile. I reckon they did that. Hilariously I ran into Ludo later in the day - and his lesson after me ended up in a banana boat - so that would be all the bad luck in one go.

view up the main street 

The boys playing cards in the apartment tonight (and a Japanese doll game where you smash bits of its body out - very strange game fr kids - but paddy knows it because sensei  has one at school)

This is a photo of NAC - we went down tonight to meet Cam. It is a nice building with a very groovy climbing wall in it etc. Cam seems to be spending a lot of his future pay on things to buy at NAC  - gloves; goggles etc  
another view of NAC

the walk down involved a huge snowball fight between Paddy and Tom the whole way. It was very annoying as I was a human shield ....for the whole trip
Paddy did push Tom into a huge powder hill ( i didnt laugh on the outside as that would have been wrong). Amazing ho entertaining snowballs are ...
I had another onsen at the Prince. I took a copy of the sign - how hilarious. Imagine someone coming up to you and saying: excuse me i think you stole a bath! it is such a lovely onsen. 3  indoor pools and an out door pool that looks out over a snow covered roof and onto the family run and fir trees. It is all covered and protected from prying eyes - but is amazingly relaxing and zen like sitting in water at 44 degrees or something ..... maybe not that hot

View of the street leading down on our walk to see Cam - it is just loading up with snow 

and for those who followed last years blog - here is a dog going for a walk. 
Anyway lovely to have the boys here playing cards and stuff .....

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