Monday 6 January 2014

On our way home ......

the Niseko 360 blog guys yesterday stated that since 22 December there had been 247 cms of snow. That s a lot of snow. And it looks like continue. But life awaits and we need to get back to the real world. So we started yesterday morning with breakfast out. We went to Odin. I pronounced it with a French accent but Paddy quickly told me I was wrong and it was in fact a Norse god - which makes way more sense.

This was the boys breakfast pancake:

We got dropped to Kutchan and caught the train which was a bit of fun. Not a sophisticated train station at all. And a 2 ca train!  we met a lovely Australian couple on the train who were on their honeymoon and were heading to a smaller resort further north. Chat chat - turns out he was a Joeys boy. Was a lawyer and is now a teacher.

these are great

not sure what this means

we arrived in Sapporo  - and it was snowing. I made the boys come out for a walk - and Patrick decided that he needed to use his Japanese as there aren't many English speakers. So he got himself into the famous (!) Sapporo clock tower as a student and at dinner he managed to order for all of us and they kept coming and asking him queries and he did that all perfectly (as far as we can work out as we got the food we wanted.). Tom is either a brother or a friend depending on what is easiest. They have had a fun time

This morning we have brekky in the hotel and then train to Chitose; plane to Tokyo and fly overnight. It has been a blast.

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